人酸性成纤维细胞生长因子定量分析酶联免疫检测试剂盒 - ELISA试剂盒 - 细胞冻存液|胎牛血清|细胞株|细胞培养基|ELISA试剂盒|ECL发光液|国产血清|澳洲血清|完全培养基-上海尊龙凯时人生就是搏生物科技有限公司
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本试剂盒仅供科研使用  。用于体外定量检测人血清、血浆或细胞培养上清液中的 FGF-acidic 浓度。使用前请仔细阅读说明书并检查试

剂组分是否完整。如有产品包装破损或质量投拆 ,请在收到货一个月之内联系尊龙凯时人生就是搏   。

FGF-acidic简介 :

酸性成纤维细胞生长因子(aFGF),也叫肝磷酯结合生长因子(HBGF-1) 或 FGF-1,是FGF生长因子家族中成员之一,它具有多种生物活

性  。

酸性成纤维细胞生长因子是一个155个氨基酸残基构成的非糖基化的蛋白       ,形成过程中没有明显的信号肽序列 。酸性成纤维细胞生长因

子在脑中检测到含量很高  ,另外包括肝实质细胞、血管平滑肌细胞  、中枢神经的神经元细胞 、骨骼肌细胞      、成纤维细胞、角化细胞、内皮

细胞 、肠柱状上皮细胞 、垂体嗜碱性粒细胞和垂体嗜酸性粒细胞都有分泌   。

酸性成纤维细胞生长因子的功能是刺激细胞生长,迁移和分化 。酸性成纤维细胞生长因子主要刺激中胚层来源的细胞分化 ,也能刺激



本试剂盒采用双抗体夹心ELISA法检测样本中FGF-acidic的浓度  。FGF-acidic捕获抗体已预包被于酶标板上  ,当加入标本或参考品时 ,

其中的FGF-acidic会与捕获抗体结合  ,其它游离的成分通过洗涤的过程被除去       。当加入生物素化的抗人FGF-acidic抗体后  ,抗人FGF-acidic

抗体与FGF-acidic接合,形成夹心的免疫复合物,其它游离的成分通过洗涤的过程被除去  。随后加入辣根过氧化物酶标记的亲合素 。生物

素与亲合素特异性结合,亲合素连接的酶就会与夹心的免疫复合物连接起来;其它游离的成分通过洗涤的过程被除去 。最后加入显色剂 ,

若样本中存在FGF-acidic将会形成免疫复合物  ,辣根过氧化物酶会催化无色的显色剂氧化成蓝色物质   ,在加入终止液后呈黄色  。通过酶标

仪检测 ,读其450nm处的OD值,FGF- acidic 浓度与OD450值之间呈正比   ,通过参考品绘制标准曲线,对照未知样本中OD值  ,即可算出标本中


FGF-acidic 定量分析酶联免疫检测试剂盒组成:

组分 规格(96T/48T)

FGF-acidic预包被板 12条/6条

样本分析缓冲液 5ml/3ml

标准品稀释液 10ml/5ml

FGF-acidic标准品 4支/2支(冻干)

FGF-acidic生物素化抗体 10ml/5ml

亲和素连接的HRP酶 10ml/5ml

浓缩洗涤液 20× 30ml/15ml

TMB底物 10ml/5 ml

中止液 5ml/3 ml

封板胶纸 3/2张

说明书 1份


1.标本的收集请按下列流程进行操作 ;

A.细胞上清标本离心去除悬浮物后即可 ;

B.血清标本应是自然凝固后 ,取上清,避免在冰箱中凝固血液 ;

C.血浆标本,推荐用EDTA的方法收集若待测样本不能及时检测 ,

D.标本收集后请分装  ,冻存于-20℃,避免反复冻融 。2.血清标本不应添加任何防腐剂或抗凝剂 ;


4.请勿使用溶血 ,高血脂或污染的标本检测       ,否则结果将不准确         。

注:人血清或血浆样本请用样本分析缓冲液做倍比稀释后再检测   。


1.试剂盒请保存在2~8℃ 。

2.浓缩洗涤液因在低温下可能有结晶   ,请水浴加热使结晶完全溶解后再配制工作液  。

3.标准品复溶加样后,剩余部份请丢弃  。

4.底物请勿接触氧化剂和金属 。

5.加样时,请及时更换枪头   ,避免交叉污染 。

6.严禁混用不同批号的试剂盒组份 。


8.室温反应    ,请严格控制在25~28℃ 。

9.洗涤过程是至关重要的  ,洗涤不充分会使精确度下降并导致结果误差较大。


11.加样过程中避免气泡的产生   。

12.血清和血浆标本的检测时 ,检测抗体的孵育时间应适当延长 。


1.试剂盒自冰箱中取出后应置室温(25~28℃)平衡 20 分钟;每次检测后剩余试剂请及时于 2~8℃保存。



4.标准品: 按标签复溶体积加入标准品稀释液复溶使 FGF-acidic 终浓度达到 8000pg/ml   ,室温反应 ,请严格控制在 25~28℃           ,静置 10~15

分钟后轻轻混悬(建议抽吸几次)待彻底溶解,用标准品稀释液倍比梯度稀释后依次加入检测孔中    。(标准曲线取七个点,最高浓度为 8000

pg/ml,标准品稀释液直接加入作为 0 浓度.)


自动洗板机或人工洗板 :每孔洗涤液为300ul  ,注入与吸出间隔15-30秒  。洗板5次。最后一次洗板完成后将板倒扣着在厚吸水纸上用力拍干   。

实验过程需自备的材料 :

1.不同规格的加样枪及相应的枪头  ;

2.酶标仪  ;

3.自动洗板机 ;

4.去离子水或双蒸水     ;


1.通过计算并确定一次性实验所需的板条数  ,取出所需板条放置在框架内,暂时用不到板条请放回铝箔袋密封   ,保存于4℃      。

2.建议设置本底较正孔 ,即空白孔,设置方法为该孔只加TMB底物和中止液   。每次实验均需做标准品对照并画出标准曲线 。


请加入50 ul样本分析缓冲液后加50 ul标本, 如稀释量大 ,请将样本与样本分析缓冲液等量加入 ,不足部分用标准品稀释液补充至100ul    。

4.洗板5次 ,且最后一次置厚吸水纸上拍干。

5.加入生物素化抗体工作液(100ul/孔) 。用封板胶纸封住反应孔 ,室温(25~28℃)孵育60分钟 。

上海尊龙凯时人生就是搏生物科技有限公司 www.hualeizs.comFGF-acid标准曲线







0 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000




上海尊龙凯时人生就是搏生物科技有限公司 www.hualeizs.com

6.洗板5次,且最后一次置厚吸水纸上拍干    。

7.加入亲和素连接的HRP酶工作液(100ul/孔) 。用封板胶纸封住反应孔 ,避光室温(25~28℃)孵育20分钟 。

8.洗板5次  ,且最后一次置厚吸水纸上拍干        。

9.加入显色剂TMB底物100ul/孔 ,避光室温(25~28℃)孵育20分钟 。



1.复孔的值在20%的差异范围内结果才有效 ,复孔的值平均后可作为测量值    。

2.每个标准品或标本的OD值应减去本底校正孔的OD值   。



4.若标本 OD 值高于标准曲线上限  ,应适当稀释后重测,计算浓度时应乘以稀释倍数。



典型OD1 典型OD2 OD平均值

0 0.07879 0.08241 0.0806

250 0.1726 0.202 0.1873

500 0.3168 0.353 0.3349

1000 0.6279 0.6687 0.6483

2000 1.0016 1.0626 1.0321

4000 1.4671 1.5033 1.4852

8000 2.0725 2.1755 2.124


注意 :本图仅供参考,应以同次试验标准品所绘标准曲线计算标本含量 。


1.灵敏度:多次重复结果表明 ,最小检出量为68.8pg/ml。

2.特异性:与人的EGF 、FGF basic 、FGF-4  、FGF-10 、G-CSF 、GM-CSF ,小鼠的G-CSF 、GM-CSF、M-CSF      、VEGF (165),大鼠的GM-CSF 、β -NGF、

PDGF-BB等都没有交叉反应     。3.重复性 :板内,板间变异系数均<10%.


1. Friesel, R and T. Maciag (1999) Thromb. Haemost. 82:748.

2. La Rosa, S. et al. (2001) J. Clin. Pathol. 54:37.

3. Kim, I. et al. (2001) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1518:152.

4. Greib, T.A. et al. (2000) J. Cell. Physiol. 184:171.

5. Strauber, D.J. et al. (2000) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97:49..

6. Imagawa, W. et al. (1994) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 204:1165.

7. Faux, C.H. et al. (2001) J. Neurosci. 21:5587.

上海尊龙凯时人生就是搏生物科技有限公司 www.hualeizs.com上海尊龙凯时人生就是搏生物科技有限公司 www.hualeizs.com

ELISA Kit for the Quantitative Analysis of Human FGF-acidic

The human FGF-acidic ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) kit is used for detection of human FGF-acidic in cell culture

supernatants,human serum and plasma.THE ELISA KIT IS FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY.Please read this instruction manual carefully

and check out the material provided before use, and you can contact with our company if any questions. You can enter our website or call

us for other aim.


Acidic fibroblast growth factor(aFGF),also known as heparin -binding growth factor(HBGF-1) and FGF-1,is a member of FGF family

who are involved in a variety of biological processes.

aFGF is a 155 amino acid (aa) non-glycosylated protein which has no distinctive signal peptide sequence. FGF acidic has been

detected in large amounts in the brain. Other cells known to express FGF acidic include hepatocytes, vascular smooth muscle cells, CNS

neurons, skeletal muscle cells, fibroblasts, keratinocytes, endothelial cells, intestinal columnar epithelium cells and pituitary basophils

and acidophils.

FGF acidic function is stimulated cell growth, migration , and differentiation . FGF acidic mainly stimulate the proliferation of all cells of

mesodermal origin, and many cells of neuroectodermal , ectodermal and endodermal origin。

Principles of the Test

The kits is a solid sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of human FGF-acidic. An anti-human FGF-acidic

monoclonal antibody has been absorbed onto the wells of the microtiter strips provided. Samples including specimens or standards were

pipetted into wells. The human FGF-acidic in specimens or standards would be captured by the coated antibody and the free others were

removed by washing. The human FGF-acidic biotin-conjugated antibody were added and binds to human FGF-acidic captured by the first

antibody, which formed a sandwich. Streptavidin-HRP would be added and binds to the biotin conjugated antibody, then free

Streptavidin-HRP would be removed during a wash step. After this, subtrate solution would be added and catalyzed by the HRP, and a

coloured product is formed.The intensity of the colored product is used to calculate in proportion to the amount of human VEGF in the

original specimen.

Materials provided with the kits:

reagent 96/48Test Kit

Assay Buffer 5ml/3 ml

Human FGF-acidic Antibody-Coated


12 strips/6 strips

Standard Diluent 10 ml/5ml

Human FGF-acidic Standard 4/2vial(s)

Human FGF-acidic Detetion Antibody 10ml/5ml

Streptavidin-HRP 10ml/5ml

Wash Buffer Concentrate 20× 30ml/15ml

TMB 10ml/5 ml

Stop Solution 5ml/3 ml

Plate Covers 3/2

Complete Instruction Manual 1

Specimen Collection

1.Collecting specimen as following:

A.The particulate of the cell culture supernatants should be removed before use.

B.Serum was obtained from clot at room temperature.

C.Please collect plasma with EDTA.D.Assay immediately or store samples at 20. Avoid free-thaw cycles.

2.Antiseptic and anticoagulant should not appear in Serum samples.

3.Any particulate should be removed from samples before use.

4. Do not use grossly hemolyzed or lipemic samples.

Note: Strongly recommend that the serum and plasma samples should be diluent as doubling dilution before use.

Precautions for use:

1.Please storage the Kit at 28℃ 。

2. Washing buffer concentrate may have crystal in low temperature, and you can melt its in water-bath before use.

3. Please discard the remains after use of the dissolved standard.

4. Avoid contact of substrate solution with oxidizing agents and metal.

5. Usage of disposable pipette tips avoid microbial contamination or cross-contamination of reagents or specimens.

6. Do not mix or substitute reagents with those from other lots or other sources.

7. To ensure the adequate mixure of added reagents, please tap gently the plate after the wells were filled with liquid.

8. Incubation temperature should be 2528.

9. Wash step was crucial for whole assay process.

10. Duplicate wells of the same sample were recommended in assay process.

11. Avoid the foam while pour the liquid into wells.

12. For serum or plasma samples ,the biotin-conjugated antibody should be incubate for at least 90 minutes.

Reagent Preparation

1.The reagents should be warmed up to room temperature before use. The remanent reagents must reseal and put into refrigeratory

again as soon as possible.

2.Dilute 1ml of wash buffer Concentrate into 19ml deionized or distilled water to work.

3. If you have a 5x standard diluent, please dilute it with double steaming water or deionized water.

4. Add deionized or distilled water to the bottle according to the volume of the label and wait15 minutes for complete dissolution.

Incubation temperature should be 2528. And in turn add the half concentration diluent by standard diluent .

Wash step:

Automated microplate washer or operating by pipette: Each well should be pour into300ul wash buffer and soak 15 or 30 seconds,then

be aspirated, five times process were repeated. After the last wash, remove remaining wash buffer by aspirating.Invert the plate and blot

it against clean paper towels.

Materials Required But Not Provided

1. pipettes and pipette tips

2. Microwell strip reader capable of reading at 450 nm (540 nm as optional reference wave length)

3. automated microplate washer

4. Glass-distilled or deionized water

Assay procedure

1.The needed strips were putted into the frame, the remains were returned into foil pouch and resealed.

2.Blank well were recommended, which only color reagent and stop solution be added. It is suggested that each testing with gradient

density of standard for standard curve.

3.Add 100ul of standard or sample.Cover with the Plate Covers provided.Incubate for 2 hours at room temperature If assay the serum

sample,you should add 50μ l assay buffer with 50μ l sample into the wells,if the protein concentration is higher than the range of the Kit,

add the same quantitys assay buffer with the sample, the deficiency should be complemented with sample diluent to 100μ l per well.

4.Five times wash process were repeated.

5.Add 100ul of detetion antibody. Cover with the Plate Covers provided.Incubate for 1 hour at room temperature.

6.Five times wash process were repeated.

7.Add 100ul of Streptavidin-HRP. Cover with the Plate Covers provided. Lucifugal incubation for 20 minutes at room temperature.

8.Five times wash process were repeated.

9.Add 100ul of TMB,Lucifugal incubation for 20 minutes at room temperature.

10.Add 50ul of stop solution to each well, determine the optical density of each well within 10 minutes.

上海尊龙凯时人生就是搏生物科技有限公司 www.hualeizs.comHuman FGF-acid Standard Curve







0 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000

Human FGF-acid Concentration(pg/ml)















上海尊龙凯时人生就是搏生物科技有限公司 www.hualeizs.com

Calculation of Results

1.Duplicates should be within 20 per cent of the mean. Average absorbance values for each set of duplicate samples were used as

detection results.

2.The blank absorbance values of subtract should be deducted.

3.Drawing a best fit curve through the points of graph. Draw the standard curve by plotting assayed OD valure (on the Y axis) vs.

concentration (on the X axis). The sample concentration was obtained based on its OD value founding in the standard concentration


4.If the values obtained are not within the expected range of the standard, Samples should be dilute and assay again.

Typical Data and Standard Curve


on (pg/ml)

Typical data 1 Typical data 2 Average

0 0.07879 0.08241 0.0806

250 0.1726 0.202 0.1873

500 0.3168 0.353 0.3349

1000 0.6279 0.6687 0.6483

2000 1.0016 1.0626 1.0321

4000 1.4671 1.5033 1.4852

8000 2.0725 2.1755 2.124

Human FGF-acidic standard curve

Sensitivity, Specificity, Repeatability

Sensitivity: repeated assays were evalsuated and the minimum detectable dose was 68.8pg/ml.

Specificity: No significant cross-reactivity or interference with human EGF 、FGF basic  、FGF-4  、FGF-10、G-CSF  、GM-CSFand mouse

G-CSF 、GM-CSF 、M-CSF 、VEGF (165). Rat GM-CSF      、β -NGF 、PDGF-BB

Repeatability: The coefficient of variation between wells or plates is less than 10 percent.


1. Friesel, R and T. Maciag (1999) Thromb. Haemost. 82:748.

2. La Rosa, S. et al. (2001) J. Clin. Pathol. 54:37.

3. Kim, I. et al. (2001) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1518:152.

4. Greib, T.A. et al. (2000) J. Cell. Physiol. 184:171.

5. Strauber, D.J. et al. (2000) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97:49..

6. Imagawa, W. et al. (1994) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 204:1165.

7. Faux, C.H. et al. (2001) J. Neurosci. 21:5587


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HME006 人酸性成纤维细胞生长因子定量分析酶联免疫检测试剂盒 ¥0.00 放入购物车 》
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Shanghai Chuan Qiu Biotechnology Co.,Ltd.
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